Thrivership at Work: Building a Proactive and Holistic Mental Wealth Strategy

Join me in creating a holistic Mental Wealth strategy that enables your business and people to thrive. Why Mental Wealth Matters 1 in 5 people in the last year needed to take time off due to poor mental health caused by the stress and pressure of work (Mental Health UK). Supporting our people’s Mental Wealth […]

Thrivership at Work: Building a Proactive and Holistic Mental Wealth Strategy

Join me in creating a holistic Mental Wealth strategy that enables your business and people to thrive. Why Mental Wealth Matters 1 in 5 people in the last year needed to take time off due to poor mental health caused by the stress and pressure of work (Mental Health UK). Supporting our people’s Mental Wealth […]

No Panic! Getting your Head Around Anxiety

In this workshop, I will be exploring anxiety and anxiety disorders.We will be discussing the following: Understanding anxiety and anxiety disorders The signs and symptoms of anxiety How to manage panic attacks and support someone experiencing a panic attack How best to support someone living with anxiety Signposting for additional support and information Register by […]

Calm at work! Managing panic attacks with confidence

One in four of us can experience a panic attack at any point. This is not just limited to people who live with anxiety disorders. It can be a natural physiological response when our fight/flight system kicks in. I spend most of my time on panic attacks during Mental Health First Aid training – it […]

Navigating Grief and Loss in the Workplace

Discover How to Support Your Employees Through Grief and Loss Grief is an inevitable part of the human experience. Despite this, many of us find ourselves unprepared to handle it, especially in the workplace. Often, we try to push past it, relying on the stages of grief we’ve read about or believing that it’s something […]

Need a break?

Take a breather with my guided meditation