Building personal resilience in challenging times presented by the Women’s Utilities Network

The Women's Utilities Network, welcomes positive psychology practitioner and trauma-informed coach, Ruth Cooper-Dickson, in delivering a keynote talk looking at resilience and how we can build resilience within our work and personal lives. Ruth will be joined by a responding panel of senior female leaders from the Utilities sector sharing their experiences around resilience. Secure […]

MHFA Refresher Course – in person

Time to brush up on your MHFA Skills? Our online half-day refresher is perfect for you as: * A reminder of what mental health is, factors that impact it positively and negatively, and recovery * A review of the role that stress plays in work-related mental health issues and how to manage it more effectively […]

No Panic! Getting your head around anxiety – in person workshop

Find out more about our 60 minute 'Signature' workshop below: Anxiety and anxiety disorders are often seen by many as being the ‘acceptable’ end of the spectrum of mental ill health conditions. Those living with these mental health conditions know that they can be debilitating and life changing. Anxiety is common and is often left […]

Dealing with panic attacks – LinkedIn Audio – all welcome

Anxiety os the theme of 2023's Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK. As a patron on the anxiety charity No Panic, contributor to the brilliant book "How I live with panic" by Claire Eastham and MHFA Instructor, Ruth Cooper-Dickson will be hosting a short session on how to deal with panic attacks. As someone […]

Courageous conversations in practice – in person session

This 90-minute energising session hosted by Ruth Cooper-Dickson from Team CHAMPS, is a great opportunity to practice those sometimes difficult and tricky conversations on wellbeing and the workplace in a safe space. We will start with a short recap of the signs when someone may be in the strain zone for too long, plus the […]

No Panic! Getting your head around anxiety webinar – all welcome

Hi, my name is Ruth. I live with Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder and ADHD. I've dealt with panic attacks since I was about 19 years old (I am now 44!). Anxiety used to cripple me and I do believe that anxiety and anxiety disorders are often seen by many as being the ‘acceptable’ end […]

The Coaching Psychology Conference 2023 – Integrating Research and Practice – London – In person

‘Integrating Research and Practice’ is the theme for the Coaching Psychology Conference 2023. The aim is to reflect on how research needs to inform coaching practice within the discipline, and how research can be developed through practice, to enable practitioners and psychologists to become reflective and reflexive. Dr Natalie Lancer, Chair of the British Psychological […]

Staying connected in a hybrid world – Virtual

"Staying Connected in a Hybrid Working World" is hosted and led by wellbeing expert Ruth Cooper-Dickson from Champs. The webinar is your opportunity to learn about concepts like flow to combat languishing, and how to be strategic with self-care when it comes to self-leadership in a hybrid working world. This is your chance to learn […]

CHIEF – Working on the Edge – In person meet-up – Private members only

Ruth will be joined by CHIEF members at their flagship London HQ in Bedford Square for an evening meet-up to talk through her recently published peer reviewed research in the European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. Here she will be sharing some case studies of the work Ruth has led as a trauma informed coach. […]

MHFA Refresher Course – London – In Person

Time to brush up on your MHFA Skills? Our half-day refresher is perfect for you as: * A reminder of what mental health is, factors that impact it positively and negatively, and recovery * A review of the role that stress plays in work-related mental health issues and how to manage it more effectively * […]

CHAMPS Talks – Summer series opener – in conversation with Dr Hannah Abrahams

Join Ruth for the first of our CHAMPS Talks summer series in conversation with Dr Hannah Abrahams talking about 'How parents can support their children living with anxiety' and ‘What parents can do to support themselves’. Dr Hannah Abrahams is an Educational and Child Psychologist based in London, UK. A former Primary School Teacher, Hannah […]